Hi Florida, my name is Michael Bui and I’m a Premier TD in Europe hosting annually 6+ A-Tiers (PDGA Euro Tour and Swedish Disc golf Pro Tour) , 3x L-tiers and 25+ C-tiers.

We’re a small team from Sweden having a vacation in Florida to play SoFlo and what better than to host a nice C-Tier in the states the weekend before?

When & where

Together with the club, Matthew Johnson, Joe Baley, Kyle Osbourne and Jason Burt we have reserved West Delray Park the 4th December. We will be playing two rounds C-Tier with the first round starting at 10 AM and the second round 1 hour after the last group has finished in round 1.

MA1 and MA2 will be playing from the Long tees blue basket layout. MA and FA1 will be playing from short tees to blue basket. If needed we will add an additional 19th hole.

Registration, price and players pack

We are here to promote some Swedish and Finnish plastic. We are charging an entry fee of 13 EUR + transactions fees. That’s basically 15$. Registration and payment is done on Tjing. Stripe payment is being as payment processor (credit card). Tjing is a Swedish innovation for registration and score keeping, you need to create an account there first to register. Make sure to enter your PDGA-number when signing up. There’s also a mobile app for Tjing where you can get push notifications on your smart phone from the TD and we can even handle CTP-threads live in messages feature.

Non-active PDGA-members have to pay an additional 10$ fee in cash on the tournament central before tee off.

In your registration we will include:

  • One limited European premium disc retailed at 20-30$.
  • Free entry to CTP-prices.
  • Prices to top 3 in each division in form of discs/merch.

Again, registration here https://tjing.se/event/cc992ce5-0caf-499c-b6d6-256addced2e9/players


The event will run as an AM-event only but any player of any rating may register and play.

MA1/advanced – 935 and above in rating.

MA2/intermediate – 900-934 in rating.

MA3/recreational – under 900 in rating.

FA1/Intermediate women – women of any rating.

Pop-up shop

We will setup a pop-up shop with a sweet assortment of discs from Kastaplast and Clash Discs at super premium prices.
We’ll accept credit card, PayPal and Cash. However we may not have much change to offer if paid in Cash.

Signature series/K1 Glow – 20$

Premium plastic (K1/Steady) – 15$

Base plastic (K3/Hardy) – 10$

Refund policy

We offer full refund 48h prio to the event. Cancellation and refund is done directly in Tjing.