Discmania, European Birdies, Discsport and potentially more…

About the event:
The event is arranged by Heatland Discgolf AB through Karlstads Frisbeegolfclub and Filipstad Discgolfclub. The event will be played at Kalhyttans Discgolfpark in Filipstad where the club will provide a temporary championship layout. DGTVPlay will be filming feature card and lead cards on all 3 days.

We are also looking into inviting an international guest players that will offer clinics the days before the event.

Follow the event on Facebook for the latest information: https://www.facebook.com/events/321951079358947/?active_tab=discussion

Caddie book:
<Will be provided soon>

Dates and time
The event will be played friday – sunday 16-18 juli. One round per day divided on four pools.
Pool A – Recreational + FA2 – 08-11
Pool B – Novice + MJ18 + MP40 – 11-14
Pool C – Intermediate + FPO 14-17
Pool D – MPO – 17-20

Swedes pay via swish to 1230705723 (Karlstad Frisbeesportklubb). International players please contact TD on michael@heatland.se for further payment instructions.
Active PDGA-membership are required on A-Tiers.

Mixed Pro Open/MPO – rating over 935. Max 72 spots
Pro Master 40+/MP40 – If you are of age 40+.  Max 24 spots
Female Pro Open/FPO – if you are a woman. Max 12 spots
Intermediate/MA2 – rating under 935. Max 60 spots
Recreational/MA3 – rating under 900. Max 56 spots
Novice/MA4 – rating under 850. Max 24 spots
Intermediate Woman/FA2 – For women under 825 rating. Max 16 spots
MJ18 – För juniorer som fyller högst 18 år under året. Max 24 platser

Player is responsible for their eligibility to play in the division you have registered into. If you are not eligible to play in the division, you cannot play at all. Changing the division might not be possible (=if the pool/division you want to play is full, it is full, there is no room for you). If you are not sure that will your rating rise too high or not, better be safe than sorry and register to a higher division.

PRO-divisions 1000 SEK (125 USD/105 EUR), AM-divisions 700 SEK (90 USD/75 EUR)

Prize table:
MPO has 100% payout of Net Entry Fees plus 25-50k SEK added pro purse. The actual added pro purse sum will be released at the latest 1 week before start.

AM-divisons has at least 120% payout of Net Entry Fees where a players pack worth of at least 700 SEK will be included.
Prices will be offered to AM-division in form of trophies and discs/gift cards.
A small portion of the registration fees will go to the hosting clubs, DGTVPlay and other costs.

Prize money:
Swedes receiving cash will be sent income statements to Skatteverket. international players will pay an artist (A-SINK) tax on 15% on the prize money.

Player pack:
Can be picked up under the whole friday between 07.00-20.00. You need a valid ID to pick it up. You can’t have someone else pick it up for you.

Refund policy:
Official withdrawals must be made to michael@heatland.se

  • 100% cash refund before 1st juli.
  • 100% cash refund between 2th juli-12 juli given that your spot is filled. If it’s not filled you are offered 50% refund.
  • 100% cash refund between 13th juli and 16th juli given that you spot is filled. If it’s not filled you are not offered any refund.
  • Players that fail to officially withdraw “no show” is offered no refund.

Any other questions please mail to michael@heatland.se